Swamp Mission
A Little Slice of Heaven: Partnering with God to create a safe, spiritual space for belonging and learning through play, connection, community & wonder.
Camp Swamp hit a milestone in February 2024: the mortgage on the property has finally been paid off. So many individuals and churches have faithfully and generously given to the mortgage and maintenance of the Union Point property over the past twenty-five years. We appreciate their partnership in our work and their commitment to our ministry.
Investment is a core value of Camp Swamp. We believe in pouring our resources into making a perennial camp for future generations to experience. We are so grateful for the dreamers back in 1992 who planned the first weeks of camp, who built our current facilities, and who created a camp culture characterized by agape love. We want their investment to continue to reap spiritual blessings for families we serve.
We invite our investors, our ministry partners, our champions, our families, and our counselors to join us in giving one hundred percent love, energy, attention, time, and money towards creating this safe spiritual space for kids to see God and learn how to follow Him. We are thinking, planning, and training with an eye to future generations. Join us in prayer that the time our campers will spend at Camp Swamp this summer will make God real to them and will stir in them a desire to walk with God.
Do you know about FOTS? Friends of the Swamp (FOTS) is an easy way to invest in Camp Swamp! FOTS is our monthly giving program that supports our mission to create a safe, spiritual space for belonging and learning by allowing us to plan for spiritual camps and retreats throughout the year, hiring the best counselors, and keeping our 180 acre campgrounds and facilities a safe place to play and see God.
We have summer camp for 6 weeks this beginning right after Family Camp.
Week 1: June 2-8
Week 2: Jun 9-15
Week 3: June 16-22
Week 4: June 23-29
Week 5: June 20-July 6
Week 6: July 7-July 13
Registration is OPEN NOW. Click HERE for more Dates & Fees.
Rachele Gibson, along with her husband Steve Gibson, are Camp Directors at Camp Swamp.

Family Camp 5/29-6/1
Summer Camp Week 1-6
Shining Stars 7/14-7/20
Adult Camp 7/25-7/28
Mother-Daughter 8/23-8/25
Check out volunteer opportunities during any one of these events by clicking here.