HELLO, EVERYONE! Welcome back to the blog! It’s that time of year again- this is my favorite blog to write every year! Today’s the day that we all get to meet this year’s Full-Time Camp Swamp Staff! Hold your applause- actually, don’t!
Okay, that’s enough out of me- LET’S GET STARTED!!! You’ll see the bio first, then the pic!
Hey! I’m Elliot and I cannot express how thrilled I am to be dish girl this summer! This will be my first time being a member of the full-time staff, but not my first time working at camp. I’ve been going to camp since I was too small to remember (we love family camp!) and hope to continue to go till I’m too old to remember, too! I’m honored that I was selected to work behind-the-scenes with the kitchen staff, and I intend to do a great job scrubbing those plates. My favorite part of camp is the starlight devotional. There’s something so intimate and beautiful about being in a place free of light pollution and looking up at the stars and realizing just how small we really are… Sometimes I even take off my glasses because I truly feel that that’s how I was meant to view the sky. I gotta say I love me some limón chips and gummy worms… but laughs and hanging out with friends are even better. I can’t wait for the summer to begin!

Hi, my name is Scott, and I’m going to be a boys cabin counselor this summer! This will be my 7th year of going to swamp and my 4rd year counseling. I am so excited for this opportunity to give the love and support that I’ve been given over the past 6 summers to campers this summer! I also can’t wait to help make swamp the safest and most fun place that it can be this summer! One of my favorite parts about camp is the mingle of honor that we have every week. Growing up it definitely helped me learn how to encourage and I can’t wait to continue the tradition! I’m very excited to help share God’s love with all the campers. And I can’t wait to see everyone this summer!

Hey guys!!! My name is Camryn Facchino, I am 19 years old, and currently living in Greensboro, NC. I’ve been a disciple for about 3 years now which is crazy that it’s been that long!! But, anyways, this will be my second year being on the full-time staff and I am so excited!!! Camp is one of the places where I am the happiest and I can’t wait to go back this summer! My most favorite part about camp is the people and how you can get so close to someone within a matter of days!! And I love how many amazing things God does through camp! So excited to see everyone in just a couple of months!!
BTW I love smarties, baby goldfish, and cheez-its if you were thinking of sending a package :)) oh and I also love handwritten letters/notes!!

Hey! My name is Ava McClary, and I am going to be a sophomore at UNCG in the fall. This will be my second year on full-time staff and I am so excited and feel so privileged to be able to be at camp all summer again! This summer, I aim to have tons of fun with my campers while making everyone feel safe and loved. My favorite parts of camp are probably the starlight devos and the singing devos because there are no distractions- you are out at camp/in nature in God’s beautiful creation and you can really pour your heart & soul to God and really connect with Him. God really moves hearts at camp, and I am so excited to see what amazing things God does at camp this year.
Nobody asked, but I would appreciate any care packages or cards that are sent to me- I love fritos honey bbq twists, cheez-its, and wheat thins just FYI… 😉
Anyways, I am so excited for this year and I cannot wait to see everyone at camp!!!

Whats poppin homies?!? My name is Gabby Basilio, and I’m super stoked for the opportunity to full time again!! I literally have loved being able to get to know y’all last year, so Let’s keep those friendships going!! I’m currently a part of the campus ministry in Greensboro NC, and I’ve been a disciple for about five years. I love a little bit of everything, from escape rooms, to hiking, to videogames. At camp you’ll most likely find me at the foosball tables, nine square, or on the front porch talking with some of y’all!! When it comes to snacks, I guess cheez its are alright. Just kidding I’m obsessed with them haha. I also like blue gatorade zeros! Again, I love camp so much and I’m so glad that this summer I get another chance to be at the best place on earth. Can’t wait to see you there!

Heyyy!!! I’m Karissa Cox, and I’m so super extremely excited to be a girls counselor this summer!!! I’ve been fortunate enough to have made amazing camp memories since I was 9, and I am BEYOND excited and EXTREMELY grateful to create that same experience for the campers!!!
If I could eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would 100% be Mrs. Debbie’s mac and cheese!! Some of my absolute favorite parts of camp are just dance challenges, singing and dancing on the chairs, and the Wednesday Morning Singing Devo!!!! My favorite things from the canteen are chocolate eclairs and ice cream sandwiches!!! I also really like gummy bears

Hey y’all! My name is Ariana Basilio and I am so stoked to be a full-time girls counselor this year!!! I’m a rising senior in high school residing in NC and I’m living through my second year as a disciple of Jesus. A goal of mine this summer is to love as Jesus loved and draw nearer to Him. Another goal of mine is to make a gazillion new amazing memories! In addition to absolutely loving Swamp, I also quite enjoy traveling, almost anything artistic (including decorating and crocheting which is not just for grannies), just dance, serving, singing, and encouraging the people around me! Although I love to laugh a ton and have plenty of fun, lighthearted times, my friends could tell you that I also really like getting to know people on a deeper level. I’ve been going to camp since I was 9 and, speaking of friends, have developed so many great friendships and memories here and have received a ton of healing and personal growth. Please come hangout with me and be my friend this summer! And if you don’t, or you do and are inclined to encourage me for whatever reason, I would love to receive letters, vanilla wafers, fruit roll ups, and honestly anything you want, surprise me! Get ready for an amazing summer!!! God is gonna do great things 🙂

Hey!! My name is Jay Lynn, and I am one of the girl counselors on the full time staff! This is my first time being a full time counselor and it has been a dream of mine since I was nine years old – right after my first time camping at Swamp! That week changed my life forever. Being there with so many smiling faces, caring hearts, and so much biblical wisdom really sparked my love for God. Looking back I can honestly say it was my first time feeling the presence of God. So having the opportunity to serve Swamp like this leaves me speechless!
My favorite part of camp would have to be the mingle of honor! I have been a part of so many impactful and encouraging conversations that I have been able to hold on to during my walk with God! All in all, I CANNOT wait for summer – See you then!!

What’s good guys! My name is Colin Harrison and I am a full-time teen worker this summer! This summer will be my 9th year at camp and I am super excited to be able to give back to the place I love the most! You’ll see me in the canteen as well as helping around the camp. If you need anything you can ask me (your counselor might be better tho) and I will do what I can to help! I cannot wait to see what God does this summer and I can’t wait to see you all bask in God’s creation!
Hi! My name is Collin and I am going to be a boys counselor this summer! This is my second year on the full time staff and I’m counting down the days until I get to come back to camp. I have been coming to camp since I was 9 and it is easily my favorite place on the planet. I feel God’s presence when I am there and have grown so close to everyone at camp. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to serve as a counselor this summer. Whether it is showing off my not so sweet dance moves or just hanging out I’m always having the most fun I can. I’m excited to see everyone this summer!

Hey Everyone, my name is Grayson and I am a full time boys counselor. I’m a sophomore at UNCG and a nursing major. I love to have fun and relate to all of my boy campers, as well as get down and dirty when it comes to games. I love watching anime and working out as well as being outside and getting some fresh air. My goal is to first let the spirit move in my boys’ lives each week- and then tire them out so they go home and sleep. That being said I can’t wait for the summer and I hope to see ya there.

Hey all! My name is Steven Fellows and I’m a sophomore at Kennesaw State University. I have the privilege of being a full-time counselor this year! I’ve been going to camp for about 11 years now (I feel so old just saying that haha). I’m very excited for the opportunity to make new friendships and help campers grow in their relationship with God!

Hello! My name is Willlllll (7 Ls) and I will be a part of the full time staff for this summer! This will be my 5th year as a counselor and I will also be a lifeguard! I am 21 years young, and I come from ACOC (Athens Church of Christ)! I started my journey as a disciple July 24, 2016, and that day was hands down the best day of my life. It changed my life in so many ways that now I’ve been accepted to work at my favorite place all summer long! Swamp played a massive role in why I became a disciple, which is honestly why it is my favorite place in the world! Everyone at Camp accepts me for who I am and I couldn’t be more grateful for everything Swamp has done! I am super excited for this summer. With this being my 3rd time on the full time staff, that means I am not new to the world of being a counselor. Anywaysssssss, I feel like I’m rambling but I do want to say that I am locked and loaded and ready for whatever hits me this summer! Also, if anyone wants to play cards, board games, or video games… I have to warn you… amongst my friends and family I have been known to be “the game master”. I’ve also been called the “cookie monster” but that is because I love cookies, not because of the games.. I mean, I guess it could be because of the games but the last time I embraced both my names at the same time, I had superpowers or something like that. Disc golf/Ultimate Frisbee are also the best sports behind soccer. Alright now I’m rambling, excited to see you all this summer!

Hello camp swamp friends, my name is Dexter Manigault, this will be second year as a full-time boy cabin counselor, but this will be my 14 th year at camp swamp. I love the environment, energy, and the atmosphere that camp swamp brings and I can’t wait to make more friends this year. My favorite snacks are pretzels (hint, hint, nudge, nudge, wink, wink). The thing I love the most is the lip-syncs and the dance party. Let’s continue to love God, everyday at swamp and I’ll see you there my brothers and sisters, because the HYPE IS REAL!!!

Hey, my name is Alex Wilson and I am so excited to be working out at camp this summer. I am a rising freshman at UGA and it will be my fourth summer counseling. I have always loved coming out to camp ever since I was a little kid and I can’t wait to help your kids feel the same way I do about camp. My favorite thing to do out at camp is challenge other cabins but when we aren’t in a challenge you can probably find me at the pavilion playing basketball or nine square. I’m so excited to meet all of you this summer.

Shalom! (It means hi and/or peace with you lol). My name is Chris, and I’m going to be a boys counselor this summer! This my first time being on the full-time staff at the beginning of the summer, but I’m definitely looking forward to it. Camp has always been a part of my life from summer camp to middle school and high school retreats. It wasn’t until last summer that I realized the holiness, peace, and joy that can come from camp! That is when I knew I should try to come back as much as I can after I graduate. I feel extremely honored to be a part of an amazing group and I hope God uses me the way He has for the previous counselors and workers who have been there even before I started to come to camp. One of my best memories is just going crazy with everyone at Just Dance and I hope to see it again this summer. See y’all soon! 🙂

Hi everyone! My name is Mary, I’m 20 years old, and I’m counseling full time at camp this summer! I counseled full time last summer for the first time and I cannot wait to get back to camp this summer! I have made so many fun and exciting memories and experienced God’s love in ways I didn’t know were possible here at camp, and I can’t wait to share many more of these experiences this summer. Some of my favorite things about camp are the slip and slide, Just Dance, the starlight devo, and making new friends and reconnecting with old ones. I’m super excited to see everyone this summer!
Hiii! My name is Julia, and I will be a Girl’s Counselor this summer! I had the privilege of being a counselor last summer, and I could not wait to come back for another fantastic experience! My first time at camp was in 2019, and ever since I went for the first time, I have never wanted to leave! Camp has genuinely felt like a second home to me and has allowed me to build some unbreakable relationships with the campers and staff. On top of that, it has helped me continue to build an unbreakable relationship with God! Some things I always look forward to for camp are the singing Devos, grateful Devos, the canteen, challenges, and of course DODGEBALL! I cannot wait to kick off the summer and hope to see you there!!
Just gonna leave this here for fun…
I love Twix, Strawberry Eclairs, and of course anything Biscoff 🙂

Hey everyone!!!! <3. My name is Camilia Bridger (many call me Cami!). I am a rising senior in high school and take college courses at Wake Tech in Raleigh, North Carolina. Camp Swamp played the biggest role in my conversion! I was freed from my sins July 4, 2021 (literally, no pun intended) and am continuing to work in God’s good works and glory!! I have been going to camp ever since I turned 9 years old and now I’m a full-time Girls Cabin Counselor!!! 🙂 I love to have fun: whether that is through playing music, doing art, or playing cards in the dining hall! Careful… I’m quite the competitor. You’ll see me mostly inside having a good laugh, but I also LOVE to talk. So, if you ever want to strike up a conversation, I’m the girl for you! My favorite times are the starlight devo, the singing devo, and the Mingle of honor 🙂 (I always have a good cry). I’m so excited to make new friendships, have fun, and continue to admire God’s people and His creation! Now being on the staff, I can fulfill my dream of making Camp Swamp the safest place on earth for the kids, just like my previous counselors did for me.
P.S… don’t be shy, you can give me your churros 😉

What’s up guys! Thomas here! This will be my first summer full-timing! I have spent the past few years coaching and mentoring as a youth soccer coach and I am immensely excited to now serve GOD at camp! My first time attending camp was in the summer of 2017 (wow feels like yesterday!), and I remember feeling so bitter because I was missing out on summer to be at some church camp. But the moment I stepped foot on the campground, I felt a spark. The awesome counselors, deep lessons, and amazing meals not to mention made me want to stay at camp FOREVER! Camp has taken my personal relationships, morals, and spirituality to new levels. Camp is genuinely a taste of heaven!
P.S. If you are ever in the mood to perhaps maybe potentially theoretically or possibly send a package to one said Thomas (ME!) I enjoy fruit snacks, body armor drinks, sour candy, and ANYTHING MARVEL! (seriously, I am not joking lol, I am a comic nerd!)

Hi!! My name is Irene Nash, although you probably know me as Kyra. I am a student at UNC Charlotte majoring in theatre education with a minor in history. I will be a girl’s cabin counselor and Camp Swamp’s resident Drama Queen for a second time. I can’t wait to dominate at Just Dance and get to know my campers! I like talking about books, movies, and any musical ever. And I can’t wait to see everyone and meet new people! Oh, and I sing constantly, so be prepared. 🙂

Yo what’s up my name is Camden Kodinsky and I’m a senior in High School and will be full-time dual enrolled at KSU this fall! I live in Marietta, GA and attend North River Church of Christ. I have been coming to camp for 12 years now but this will be my first summer as a full-time counselor. I’m so excited to get to share all the fun at camp with my campers this summer and have so much fun hangin around learning more about God! I can’t pick a favorite part of camp because of how awesome everything is, buttt I would say some of the best parts are just being able to hang with my closest friends for a whole week of the summer, and having the most fun time playing sports and games and cabin challenges, all spent in the presence of God in all the people around! Camp has changed my life over the past year and I want to be able to share it with everyone I can so lets have an awesome summer.

Hey people! My name is Andy and I will be a counselor this summer! I am 18 years old and grew up in Roswell, Georgia. I love camp; it has meant so much to me as a kid and still means so much to me now as a slightly older kid. This is my second summer doing full-time and I am beyond excited. Here are a few of my favorite things to do at camp:
⁃Pillow fights
⁃Gaga ball
⁃The slip n slide
⁃Taco Tuesday
⁃Teaching lessons
⁃Eating my campers for breakfast
The Swamp is where I came to know and love God. Although I usually counsel younger kids, I pray I can plant a seed in their hearts and show them what Jesus is all about. I really like Chex mix a lot. This summer will be amazing; I can’t wait to see all of you guys!

Hi! My name is Ameliya Boston. I am a Senior at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. I have been going to Swamp since I was 9 years old. I love to go on Swamp Corp trips. I can’t wait to get to see everyone and hang out with campers. My favorite part of camp is definitely when it rains and there is an all camp just dance party. My favorite snack at the canteen would definitely have to be the choco tacos. I can’t wait for this summer! See you there!

What’s up! My name is Matthew Mercado, and this will be my first year counseling at the Swamp! I camped for the first time during week six and I immediately fell in love with Swamp. My heart was touched by experience, people, and the environment around me. I knew I had to come back but this time to serve the amazing campers. I’m so humbled and honored to be on full-time staff and I’m ready to boogie down with everyone this summer.
One of my favorite parts about Camp is the camp-wide games. I’m very much looking forward to spreading shaving cream across everyone’s face! Words cannot express the excitement I have for this summer. I know God is going to bless it all. See you soon 🙂

Hey! My name is Ralph, and I’m from Athens! I moved here right after camp finished last year, and it’s been a blast. I’ve gotten to know so many cool people, and I’m volunteering as a Teens Ministry worker. I used to live in Atlanta, where I was part of the GSU campus ministry at North River. My favorite snack is gummy bears, I’m a big marvel fan, and I love to draw and paint! This will be my first year working as a media specialist, and while I am nervous, I could not be any more excited!

Hi, My name is Chloe. I am from Gainesville, Florida and I am so excited to be on staff this summer! I love camp because of the lifelong friendships I’ve made from it and the feeling of being surrounded by people who love each other and love God. I’ve been a disciple for 6 years. I love swimming, decorating, cats, and coffee. Some of my favorite snacks are goldfish, Oreos, and sweet tart ropes! I can’t wait for a summer of joy and fun!

Hello there. My name is Jackson Moon and this is my second summer working as a counselor. I’m super pumped to be on staff this summer. I have been a camper since I was 9 and I’m now 17. I love the fun and the memories that we have at The Swamp. My absolute favorite part of camp is dodgeball. But I also love sitting in the cabin and having deep conversations. I love jelly beans and hot Cheetos. I have recently become very interested in fitness and have been working at a gym. I have an obsession with flamingos! I am excited to spend time with old and new friends! Looking forward to seeing you all this summer!

Howdy! My name is Raquel, and I am returning as the head worker this summer. This position has been a dream job of mine since I first teen worked at camp in 2016. I am super pumped to be back again. Last summer was one of the best summers of my life and I already know that this one is shaping up to be amazing as well. I hold camp very close to my heart and I have made some of my most meaningful relationships there as well as the best memories. There is not a place that I laugh as much as I do at camp and honestly, without camp, I do not know where I would be spiritually. Camp truly has made such a huge impact on my life and I am so grateful for it. I can’t wait to see you all this summer!

What’s up! My name is Jacob Pursell and I have the privilege of being this summer’s Head Boy Counselor! I am super stoked for this summer and all the fun and memories it will bring! I’ve always loved camp as it has made an Impact on my heart and has played a crucial role in me becoming a disciple! This will be my 3rd year on the Full Time staff and I am really excited to see the impact we can make! One of my favorite aspects about camp is the diversity. As someone who talks to plants and bees all the time, I always feel at home at camp. Not once was I looked down upon for being weird, but it was quite the opposite. At camp we celebrate everyone’s gifts and talents and it is always encouraging to see what we can create when we come together! But right on! I am pumped for the summer and all the fun that it will bring!

Hello my name is MANDO and I will be a full time boys counselor this summer. This will be my second year on full time staff and I can’t wait to get there and see some new and familiar faces. Camp has been something I always looked forward to even when I couldn’t go on a week all my friends would go. I just pray that I can be a friend to someone who doesn’t know anyone, or doesn’t feel comfortable letting loose. Cause I was like that myself for a long time. Camp has helped me open up to people and share my struggles with them. Through those relationships I’ve been able to make through my lowest lows and keep accountable when I go off the rails. I have no doubt that camp will be amazing this year and that it will all be worth the wait.
hey hey!! my name’s Reese Robinson and i live in Gainesville, Florida where i’m in the teen ministry at CampusView church. this summer will be my tenth year at Swamp, and my first year as a counselor!! i’m SO thrilled to have this opportunity to connect with new people and contribute to creating a fun and safe environment where people can grow in a deeper relationship with God. something i absolutely adore about Swamp is the worship, whether it’s in the dining hall, the pavilion, or at the beautiful amphitheater, i love the time where i can lift my voice and hands to God and look around to see my brothers and sisters doing the same. however i connect with God the most, i know at Swamp i’m never judged for it, i feel very safe and loved and this summer i simply cannot wait to spread the love to my campers and those around me. see y’all soon….AHHHHHH!!!

There you have it! We have an INCREDIBLE staff, and I could not be more proud of them! That’s all for now, folks! See you in two weeks. 🙂
Much Love,
Bri <3