Donations are made through our secure donor pages. You can give a one-time or recurring donation, become a Friend of the Swamp, or contribute to the Help A Camper Fund.
Your donation helps kids know God and build strong friendships. Thanks to you, we can hire the best counselors, maintain our excellent facilities, and provide camp equipment to the host community, offer fun events, and seasoned leadership for training. Your gift even helps subsidize the cost of camp even for some international campers. Time spent at camp is a proven part of a child’s spiritual and emotional upbringing. You can help us substantially enhance their experience and meet our vision for the future of providing a safe and fun environment for children here and all over the world.
ways to give
Friends of the swamp
Friends of the Swamp is our monthly donation program that helps us maintain and run Camp Swamp in Georgia. Our goal is $10,000 a month.
This helps with keeping camp’s cost low, hiring great counselors, maintaining our facilities, and planning our events.
We currently have about 140 friends across the Southeast that give around $7,500 a month.
Become a friend and help us reach our goal!
If you’re unsure about giving monthly, you can give quarterly, annually, or even just one time. All of these donations support the same areas that Friends of the Swamp does.
You can give online, by phone or by mail.
Donate by Phone: 706-351-3092
Donate by Mail:
Swamp Camp Services, Inc.
ATTN: Swamp Donation
190 Tremont Circle
Athens, GA 30606
Help a camper Fund
We want every child to go to camp and we don’t want money to be the reason a camper cannot attend. Our Help A Camper Fund supports campers that are unable to go to camp due to financial reasons.
By giving to our Help A Camper Fund, you invest in the generations to come and help campers here and around the world to be able to see and experience God.
By remembering Swamp Camp in your will, trust, estate plan, or by other arrangements, you are making a lasting commitment to help children here and abroad. Legacy giving is an enduring way to support the vision and may provide financial benefits to you and your loved ones at the same time. Additionally, many planned gifts offer donors the opportunity to make larger gifts than they thought possible, while enhancing their financial planning. Swamp Camp relies on legacies to help ensure its long-term health and sustainability. Please consider a planned gift to Swamp Camp. For more information about planned giving opportunities including beneficiary designation, charitable bequests, or gifts of real estate, please contact us.
Swamp Camp encourages gifts of stocks and mutual funds. Donating appreciated securities provides tax benefits and allows the donor to give a larger gift at a lower original cost. For more information on the financial benefits of donating stock, please consult with your financial advisor.