Hello friends! Welcome back to the blog, I hope everyone has been having a wonderful week! I’m so excited for today’s blog because I have the honor of introducing this year’s Full-Time Staff to all of you! You’ll see a few words that they wanted to share with you with their photo right underneath!
Let’s get started, shall we?
Hi everyone! My name is Jaden and I’m from Northriver Church or Christ in Marietta, GA! I’m 18 and I just graduated high school and plan on attending UNC Chapel Hill in the fall. This will be my first summer counseling full time and I am super excited!!! My favorite part about camp is spending time with old friends and making new ones! I can’t wait to meet everyone this summer and build relationships in a Godly environment! I love all things outdoorsy and making friendship bracelets. My favorite snacks are gummy candy and cheez-its!

Heyyy my name is Amaya Rodriguez and I am a Girl Counselor this summer! I am really looking forward to bonding with all of my campers through deep talks and fun times! Apart from great conversations, I really enjoy escaping the heat and sipping on a coke while playing a game inside the dining hall. I love getting mail, especially packages with my favorite snacks (hot Cheetos and gummy bears). I can’t wait for this summer!

Hello, my name is Efren Trevino,I’m 22 years old, studying medical coding at Athens Technical College.I’ve been going to swamp for 12 years ever since I was 9 and I’ve had the best times of my life there. This summer I’ll be a full-time counselor for the first time but before I was an Erwin Worker helping maintain the camp and it’s beauty for all 4 of my Highschool summers. Unfortunately, this will be my last year being here but I hope that I can give the best Camp Swamp experience like I had growing up.

My name is Kyler Kodinsky and I am a counselor at camp this summer! I am 18 and I go to Kennesaw State. I have grown up going to camp since I was a kid and I have always wanted to be a counselor! I love kids and I want to give back and be an example of Christ to the youth just like my counselors did for me. My favorite things about camp are the breakfasts, the singing devo, and the family atmosphere that I get to have with everyone around me! I can’t wait to be a big brother/mentor to all of my campers this summer!

What’s up guys! My name is Chandler Payne, I am 17 years old and heading into my senior year of high school. This will be my first time doing full-time at Camp, and I’m excited to spend this unique summer here. I have gone to Camp for many years now and have gained and grown so much from it, so I am eager to give back! I absolutely love the deep, connected atmosphere of Camp, and I look forward to fostering that connection with old friends, new friends, and the campers! One aspect of Camp I am dying to have back is dodgeball, and (finally!) being on the counselor side of that middle line. Growing in my journey and relationship with God along with everyone else at camp is something else I can’t wait to do this summer. And if you’re curious, I like sour patch kids, MnMs, and Oreos, and Reese’s Pieces. Ready for an amazing summer at camp!

What’s up! My name is Jacob Pursell, and I am a Boys counselor and Lifeguard this summer! This will be my 2nd summer being a part of the amazing Full-Time crew, and I am so pumped to have righteous time and to build new friendships! I have always loved Camp and have been coming since I was a kid and I’m so excited to come back in person! Camp will always have a special place in my heart, and I am excited to see what this summer holds!
My favorite thing about camp is the challenges! I always love a good challenge and whether I am watching a consequence or participating in one, it is always a fun time! Can’t wait to see everyone this summer!!!

Hey! My name is Mary, I’m 19 years old, and I’ll be counseling full time at camp this summer! This is my first time counseling, and I’m super excited to make so many awesome memories this summer! I have been coming to camp since I was 10, and it holds a very special place in my heart. I have made so many fun and exciting memories and experienced God’s love in ways I didn’t know were possible here at camp, and I can’t wait to share many more of these experiences this summer. Some of my favorite things about camp are the canteen, the starlight devo, and meeting new friends. I’m so excited to see everyone this summer! It’s gonna be awesome!

hey there! for those who don’t know me, my name is Brooke i’m 17 and a rising senior. I’ll be this summer’s dish girl! This will be my first year on the full time staff and I’m so stoked to be able to serve and help keep the kitchen clean!!
Swamp has held such a special place in my heart and I was so bummed that in person camp was closed but I’m so thankful for the good we made out of this pandemic. I’m excited to get to know the campers this summer and form new friendships!
My most favorite thing about camp is the fellowship and just the fun we are able to make with one another. i’m so thankful for that.
also in case anyone was wondering i love salt and vinegar chips 💕
so excited to see everyone this summer!!

WHAT’S REALLY GOOD, FAM?!?!?!?!?!?! I’m Dylan Chisolm, or just “Chiz” if you like. 😉 I’m 22 years old, I’m an 8-year-old disciple, and I’m going into my (God willing) final semester at the illustrious Kennesaw State University. This will be my 5th consecutive year on the full time Swamp staff! My aim is to become a Spanish teacher and, if I’m lucky, spend my summers off continuing to counsel at camp! >:) I love meeting campers from other countries, TABLE TENNIS(PING PONG, look up some youtube videos on how to get good if you wanna start training with me 😜), cutting up and cracking jokes in the cabins, eating snacks(particularly Goldfish, Cheez Its, and WHITE CHOCOLATE MnMs which are typically found in major gas stations like QT and RaceTrac), and narrating games of Mafia as well as singing worship music and playing guitar, especially at the Singing Devo!!!!! I love letting loose and releasing all my energy out into the physical environment at in-person camp, so I was CRAZY SUPER PSYCHO

Hey! My name is Ava McClary. I am currently 17 (almost 18!) and I will be attending UNCG in the fall! I could not be more pumped to be on full-time staff this year. I counseled last year at virtual camp but this will be my first time counseling in person. Although this will be my first time being part of the full-time staff, I aim have lots of fun with everyone, and make everyone feel safe and loved. I am truly looking forward to meeting all of the campers and creating a special face-to-face bond with them that can’t be down through a screen. I have always felt safe at swamp and have had some of the best times there and that is my hope for everyone that comes as well. Some of my favorite parts of camp are the starlight devos and the singing devos because both are really special times where you can feel free and safe to really pour your heart out to God. God does some amazing things at this camp and I am so excited to experience these special moments with you all! I would also appreciate any cards or care packages that are sent to me:) I Love all foods but I especially love white cheddar popcorn, fritos honey bbq twists, and fruit snacks! Thank you so much and I’ll see you at camp!

Hi there! My name is Brianna, and I’m gonna be the Head Girls Counselor this summer! This will be my 5th summer on the full-time staff, and I am so beyond excited to make Camp a super fun and super safe place this summer! I’ve loved coming to Camp ever since I was a kid, and I can’t wait to finally go back- especially after not getting to go in person last year. Camp has always been really important to me, and I’m so honored to be able to come out and counsel.
One of my favorite parts about Camp (aside from mealtime) is the singing devo, I’m so ready to be able to worship with everyone in the amphitheatre again! Also, nobody asked, but I really like hot cheetos and gummy bears. (cough)
I can’t wait to see all of you this summer!

Hello! My name is Chloe and I’ll be at camp for the summer! I’ve been going to camp since I was 5 years old, but this will be my 4th year counseling and I’m stoked. Camp has been such a huge part of my life and my walk with God and I’m so excited to give back some of that love to all the campers. One of my favorite parts of camp is the mornings, right before the dew dries and the day starts. I love the time I get to spend time with God and set my mind on him for the rest of the day. I love Golden Oreo Thins and the Mio stuff that flavors water and there is no particular reason I said that at all I swear. I’m so excited to spend my summer with y’all!!!

Hey everyone!! My name is Lauren Cicerchia, and I’m so pumped to be out at camp this summer! I’ve grown up going to camp since I was 9 and this will be my fourth summer as a counselor. Camp has always been my home away from home. It’s the place I fell in love with God and am continually reminded of his goodness and sovereignty every time I step foot on camp grounds.
This year reminded me of all the little things I missed about camp: braiding campers’ hair, walking the girls’ hill, jamming out to Taylor Swift in the dining hall, the anticipation of who won cleanest cabin, standing on our chairs during Chicken Fried, and so much more. To say I am excited to be back at camp this summer is an understatement!
I can’t wait for an incredible summer with all of you!
P.S. I love Swedish Fish and trail mix!

Hello everyone, my name is Creighton Arrington! Not including last year for virtual camp, this is my 10th summer as a counselor at Camp Swamp and my 3rd time as a Fulltimer. At the age of 27, I have been coming to camp since I was 11, so I can say with certainty that I love this place and I want the love I have for this slice of heaven to rub off on your children. My favorite thing about camp is building relationships with everyone there; whether they are in my cabin or one of the kitchen workers, many of these friendships I have been able to keep for years to the point that some of my boys from the first few years of me counseling are now on the Fulltime Staff with me this year! Can’t wait to spend one last summer giving my heart and soul to your kids and this second home for me!

Hello there. My name is Jackson Moon and this is my first summer working as a counselor. I am super excited to be on the staff this year. I have been coming to camp since as far as I can remember. I love The Swamp and the fun it brings. One of my favorite parts of camp has got to be dodgeball. I also can’t wait to be sitting in the cabin having fun conversations and running around on the fields. I love butterfingers and cheez its. I’m also a hardcore gamer, I LOVE playing video games of all types. I also have dabbled in streaming video games. My favorite animal is definitely a flamingo, it could be that I have an obsession. After last year’s shut down and only having camp online, I am very excited to spend time hanging out with old friends and new. I am looking forward to seeing you all this summer!

Hey, my name is Alex Wilson and I am so excited to be working out at camp this summer. I am a rising senior in high school and it will be my third summer counseling. I have always loved coming out to camp ever since I was a little kid and I can’t wait to help your kids feel the same way I do about camp. My favorite thing to do out at camp is challenge other cabins but when we aren’t in a challenge you can probably find me at the pavilion playing basketball or nine square. I’m so excited to meet all of you this summer.

Hi friends!! I’m Kiyalyn (sounds like “violin” with a K) or Kit! I am originally from St. Thomas, USVI and have recently graduated from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and I am soon off on another adventure to be a teen intern for the church in Johannesburg, South Africa. I constantly have new hair, a new tattoo, or am trying something random (ask me about my gross amazing food combos)! I am always up for an adventure (clearly) and this summer is gonna be one awesome adventure! I can’t wait to hang out with all of you this summer! (Chocolate is the way to my heart should you really want to know😉)

Hey! My name is Matt Reddick and I am the Head Boy Counselor at camp this summer! I’m super excited to finally be back at camp to serve and embrace all the experiences it has to offer. If I’m not up on the fields playing ultimate frisbee, you’ll find me either playing deathball on the front lawn or cooling off inside and playing a good card game while enjoying an even better conversation. I can’t wait to build and foster friendships between all my campers as we create a week to remember!
Ps: I really enjoy odd-flavored chips and anything gummy (not sour tho). Just putting that out there!

Hello! My name is Willlllll (7 Ls) and I will be a part of the full time staff for this summer! I am 20 years young, and I come from ACOCG! I started my journey as a disciple July 24, 2016, and that day was hands down the best day of my life. It changed my life in so many ways that now I’ve been accepted to work at my favorite place all summer long! Swamp played a massive role in why I became a disciple, which is honestly why it is my favorite place in the world! Everyone at Camp accepts me for who I am and I couldn’t be more grateful for everything Swamp has done! I am super excited for this summer. With this being my 2nd time on the full time staff, that means I am not new to the world of being a counselor. Anywaysssssss, I feel like I’m rambling but I do want to say that I am locked and loaded and ready for whatever hits me this summer! Also, if anyone wants to play cards, board games, or video games… I have to warn you… amongst my friends and family I have been known to be “the game master”. I’ve also been called the “cookie monster” but that is because I love cookies, not because of the games.. I mean, I guess it could be because of the games but the last time I embraced both my names at the same time, I had superpowers or something. Well not really superpowers, more like super powers. Alright now I’m rambling, excited to see you all this summer!

Hey!! My name is Brice Grubb and I am 21 years old. I am so excited to be a boys cabin counselor this summer! I am a senior at Embry-Riddle in Florida, I am studying Aeronautical Science and hope to be an airline pilot after graduation. This will be my 4th year counseling, and 2nd year full-time. Some of my fondest memories and relationships are centered around Swamp. I camped at swamp for about 10 years and I always looked up to my counselors. I am so honored to be in the position to be a positive influence on my campers. I can’t wait for this summer and how much fun it is going to be bringing back a lot of the fun activities we didn’t get last year.

Hello!! My name is Camryn Facchino, i’m 18 years old, and I’m from North Carolina. I will be a freshman this upcoming school year at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and I plan on majoring in fashion design. This will be my first time as a full time counselor and I couldn’t be more excited! I love everything about camp, but my favorite parts would have to be the starlight and singing devo. They help me to connect with God so so much, and they have been super impactful in my life. My hobbies consist of playing piano and guitar, sewing, and really just anything crafty. Oh, and my favorite snacks are definitely smarties, cheez its, and baby goldfish. This summer is going to be so amazing and I can’t wait to see everyone at camp!!

Hello!! My name is Caroline Long and this is my third year being full time! I grew up going to The Swamp and it has had such an amazing impact on me, I would not be who I am without it! I haven’t been at camp the past two summers so I am excited to be back once again and see all the new campers and help them experience the camp the same way I did! My favorite thing about camp is the safety campers feel to be completely themselves. Seeing shy campers come out of their shell and become the life of the cabin is my favorite! One might be wondering what my favorite snacks are, and don’t worry I’ll tell you 😉 I love pretzels, sour patch watermelons and popcorn! I can’t wait to be back at camp and have an amazing summer!

Hi, my name is Scott, and I’m going to be a boys cabin counselor this summer! This will be my 6th year of going to swamp and my 3rd time counseling. I am so excited for this opportunity to give the love and support that I’ve been given over the past 5 summers to campers this summer! I also can’t wait to help make swamp the safest and most fun place that it can be this summer! One of my favorite parts about camp is the mingle of honor that we have every week. Growing up it definitely helped me learn how to encourage and I can’t wait to continue the tradition! I’m very excited to help share God’s love with all the campers. And I can’t wait to see everyone this summer!

Hey everyone, my name is Grayson Massenburg and I’m 19 years old. This summer is going to be my 2nd year on the full-time staff and my 4th summer counseling in general. I’m super excited to hang out and guide the kids and help them have the best swamped experience possible. I feel that I can closely Relate with a lot of the younger boys because I have a heart of a younger boy myself. One of my favorite parts of camp is the singing devo as worship is the best way I connect to god. In my last times I loved playing sports and writing music with my guitar. I can’t wait to see everyone out here this summer and much love,
Grayson Massenburg

Hello, My name is Dexter Manigault. I’m 21 years old, and this summer will be my first time as a full-time counselor at Camp Swamp. I am a second year student at Charleston Southern University. My favorite things at Swamp are food, drawing, music, the talent show, the ring of honor, the singing devo, and the campers, also my favorite snacks are pretzels and gummy bears. My love languages are words of affirmation and quality time, I love hanging out with the campers and to give encouragement, that just shows how much I love and appreciate them. This summer is going to be special for everyone since we were not there physically last year,but after a year THE HYPE IS REAL, because Camp Swamp is back in full force and I’m super mega excited that we are coming home to our second home. I will see you there my brothers and sisters.

Hi! I’m Kyra (it sounds like Shakira without the sha). This year will be my first time counseling at camp and I am so excited to give it my all this summer. I have been coming to camp for 10 years, so it has truly become my home away from away home. I’m 19 and just got my Associates of Arts this week! *jumps up and down (wait, how do you jump down…)* I am from Garner, North Carolina but I’m moving to Florida at the end of July. I am a theatre nerd, movie and tv buff, and avid reader. I also love to sing. I randomly break into song throughout the day, so feel free to join me. As far as snacks go, anything sour is great (I was that one kid that sucked on lemons for fun) but I’ll eat anything. Honestly, I don’t have a favorite thing about camp. The devos are inspirational, the people are incredible, and I love nap time, I mean cabin time. Also, I love receiving and responding to letters. There’s just something special about snail mail. Basically, I’m so excited to build friendships this summer. Can’t wait to see you there! #NoSnakesNoBreaksNoShakes

Hey party people! My name is Katie, I am 20 years old and I’m going to be the Media Specialist this summer (aka 2021’s resident photographer)!! This is my first year as the Media Specialist and my second year doing Full-time! I’ll be at camp all summer with my twin sister Maggie, so if the place goes up in flames, it wasn’t us…
I currently live in Gainesville, Fl where I am a full time student at Santa Fe College. I am a big fan of Twizzlers, dance parties, and being outside. Three things that are very important to me are Camp, My friends and family, and the soundtrack to Trolls. I can’t wait to play secret spy for all you parents and capture all the little and big moments of Camp this summer hehe 😉

Heyy!! My name is Karissa and I am so super excited to be given the opportunity to serve at Camp Swamp this summer!! This year is my first time counseling, but I’ve loved camping at Swamp since I was a kid! It’s hard to pick just one favorite thing about camp, but if I had to choose, it would be the Thursday night ring of honor! I can’t wait to see you all this summer!!!!

Hello! My name is Zach and I am going to be a teen worker/counselor over the summer for Camp! I have never been to this camp before, but that doesn’t stop me from being super excited and ready to make this the best summer ever for some of your kids! Some of my fondest memories from summer were going to the camps for my church in CA and getting to meet new people. I also love to compete and do activities, and am especially excited to play gaga ball, dodgeball, and any other fun activities with everyone!
Camp is something special for me, since while it’s a fun place to hang out with friends and play games, it’s a safe place as well. The counselors and workers really care about each individual person, and they create an encouraging environment where everyone feels like family. Not only will this be a safe place mentally, but it’s gonna to be safe physically as well! COVID has made such an impact this past year, especially with Camp being cancelled last year, but that’s even more of a reason to be excited for this year where we will see everyone in person!!!
I’m excited to meet everyone this summer and have an amazing time!

Hello everyone!! My name is Ariana Basilio, and I will be serving as the dish girl for the first half of the summer! I was baptized in October of 2020 (making me the spiritually youngest member on staff this summer) and I am a rising junior in highschool. I really enjoy traveling, laughing hard, and spending time with people. I am so looking forward to serving in any way I can this summer alongside the rest of the staff! I have had the privilege of moving around a lot throughout my life, but can pretty honestly say I’m from North Carolina. I’m looking forward to making connections with and loving people as we deepen our relationships with God at camp, and having a lot of fun. Being a part of this staff and being able to serve at camp this summer is truly an answered prayer for me, and I look forward to seeing what God has in store. I hope that this summer can be a time where we can live less distracted and more aware of The Spirit’s presence and working. If you happen to want to send me anything this summer, anything at all is greatly appreciated, but some snacks I enjoy are vanilla wafers, sun chips, and cheetos 🙂

Hey All! My name is Lucy Gibson and I’m a rising sophomore at the University of North Georgia. I’m from Athens, GA, born and raised and have grown up going to camp. I am so excited to be a part of the amazing full-time staff this summer! This will be my third summer counseling but my first year as part of the full-time staff. Camp has played a huge role in my life, helping me build lasting relationships and ultimately leading me to God. One of my favorite camp memories has got to be the impromptu singing devos on the porch as thunderstorms surround camp. Can’t wait to see y’all this summer!

Hello! My name is Julia Day, and I am so excited to be a Camp Swamp Counselor this summer! I currently go to North River and experienced my first time as a camper during the summer of my Sophomore year. I had a life-changing experience meeting so many new people, listening to some fantastic Devos, and playing fun games, all while being on fire to grow my relationship with Jesus! Ever since I went, my sophomore year, I have longed to go back! I am super excited to be a part of this summer’s fun, safe, and memorable experience. I am very eager to meet everyone while growing in our journey with God! One thing I am super excited for this summer would be our encouragement Devo alongside jamming out to Hot Cheetos and Takis! I can’t wait for this summer to begin!

Hey hey hey!! My name is Elle McLaughlin and I will be a part of the full time staff this summer! I’ll be a girls cabin counselor and a lifeguard. I am ecstatic to get back to one of my favorite places in the world this summer and celebrate closeness with everyone! Camp has really transformed my life and brought such joy. I’ve met some of my best friends and had some of the best laughs. I’ll be a sophomore at NC State in the fall and I’m majoring in Elementary Education. So my heart is very much with our kids. The singing devo is one of my favorite things about camp & I feel closest to God. Can’t wait to see you all there! Also I love Twizzlers 😉

What’s poppin!! My name is Gabby Basilio, I’m so excited for camp y’all!! A bit about me, I’m an 18 year old from North Carolina who is on fire for Jesus!! I’ve been a disciple for a little over four years now, and I’m super excited to keep learning and growing with the staff and campers this year. Some of my hobbies include playing fortnite, playing guitar and singing, hanging with friends, and laughing until I pee myself. My favorite part of camp has to be hanging with the new friends I make! I love to hear about people’s lives and I love to share mine (keeps me vulnerable haha). Hit me up at camp if you want to swap stories! Hmm. Favorite color? YELLOW! Favorite snack… I have so many but anything salty always hits the spot (unless it’s just legit salt haha). I have a feeling this is going to be a legendary summer yall, see you there!!

Hey guys! My name is Ralph and I’m a Public Health and Microbio double major at GSU! While I’ve never attended Camp Swamp, I was part of the Full Time counselors last year for Camp Swamp Virtual Camp. I cannot wait to get to finally meet everyone in person and grow closer to everyone as we grow closer to God together. In my free time, I like to hike, make terrariums, paint portraits, and draw my favorite anime characters.

Hey y’all! I’m Carmen and I’m so happy to be coming back to camp! I spent most of my quarantine finishing up school and playing so many board games. I just graduated with my degree in Classical Studies and I’m planning on teaching Latin this fall (although I’m still trying to figure out where 😬). Camp actually helped me realize that I want to be a teacher! This is my 3rd time on the full time staff. I love counseling and getting to know my campers. In the past, you could find me in and around Girls 6, on the ultimate field, or horking down frozen fruit snacks. Even though things are going to be different this year, I look forward to a great summer like never before!

Hi! My name is Ameliya Boston. I am a junior at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. I have been going to swamp since I was 9 years old. I love to go on Swamp Corp trips. I can’t wait to get to see everyone and experience swamp again in person. My favorite part of camp is definitely when it rains and there’s an all camp just dance party. My favorite snack at the canteen would definitely be the choco tacos. I can’t wait for this summer! See you there!

Hey hey! Chloe here! I could not be more excited to serve at camp this summer. I have counseled for the past 5 summers and have enjoyed every second of laughing till I cry, dancing till I can’t move anymore, and singing until my voice is gone.
I am beyond thrilled to make memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. Camp has such a special place in my heart and calling it home for the summer makes my heart feel like it could fly to the moon. Let’s make this summer the best one yet! See ya there!!

Hi! My name is Collin and I am going to be a part of the full time staff this year for the first time! I have had the opportunity to be around camp since I was old enough to go and I always think about it as my happy place. It was hard for me not to be at camp last summer but now I have a new found gratitude for my favorite place on the planet. I am ready to do my best to making camp the safest and funnest part of the summer! Whether it’s eating choco tacos, playing cards in the dining hall, or showing off my sweet moves at just dance I always have a blast at camp. I’m looking forward to meeting all of you this summer!

Hi! I’m Maggie Frantz and I am a Fulltime Girls Counselor and Lifeguard! This is my second summer doing fulltime and I’m pumped to get back to Camp! I am a Sophomore in Gainesville, Florida at Santa Fe College. Some fun facts about me: I‘m fluent in German, I’m a cellist, and I know how to waltz! I’m so excited to get to know your kids this summer. It’s gonna be a blast!
P.S. If you already read the bio for the Media Specialist, you‘re not seeing double — that’s my identical twin sister! We’ve been going to camp together since we were nine years old, and switching places on our counselors for just as long!

Howdy folks! I’m Erin! I’m a 4th year Spanish Education major at Kennesaw State University and I’m coming into my 3rd year on the full time staff and words cannot describe how excited I am. While virtual camp was a new and groundbreaking experience I’m PUMPED to be at camp in person this year. I am so excited to see people and get to know more about God with your awesome kids this summer!
Ps…in case you’re looking to send some snacks for an old gal I love Fuego takis, blue baby bottle pops, and honestly any sour candy 😉

Hey y’all! My name is Raquel Murdock and I am super pumped to be the head worker this summer! This has been my dream job since the first time I worked the summer before my sophomore year of high school. I have attended camp every summer since I was 9 (until last year) and I know that this summer will be quite unique. Despite the challenges that we face with this summer, I am super excited to see what it holds. I hold this place and this job very close to my heart as God has allowed it to grow me into the person I am today and has given me some of the best weeks of my life. It is hard for me to place my finger on my favorite thing about camp as there are so many things to love. Camp is a place of energy and inspiration. Diversity and connection. Growth and revelation. It is constantly changing and yet consistent. It is forever beautiful and has played a huge part in my life. This is why I love camp and why I am excited to see you all there this summer!

Hi! My name is Maya Yim and I am so excited to be on the full time staff this year! I am a rising junior in high school and I live in Atlanta, Georgia. I love camp with all my heart. it is home to me, and I cannot wait to be a part of showing others why i love it so much! I have been going to summer camp since I was 9, and I’ve come to family camps and retreats since I was 5. I love camping and working, but it has been a dream of mine to come and counsel. I can’t wait to be back dancing on the chairs, going to singing devos, and just being at camp.
p.s. I really like handwritten letters (and drawings), freeze dried apples, and rainbow sour belts!
I love you and I can’t wait to see you this summer!
All my love, Maya 🙂

Hi, My name is Chloe. I am from Gainesville, Florida and I am so excited to be on staff this summer! I love camp because of the lifelong friendships I’ve made from it and the feeling of being surrounded by people who love each other and love God. I’ve been a disciple for 5 years. I love swimming, decorating, cats, and coffee. Some of my favorite snacks are goldfish, Oreos, and sweet tart ropes! I can’t wait for a summer of joy and fun!

That’s everyone!! There are not enough words to describe how excited we all are to get the ball rolling this summer! Thank you so much for trusting Camp Swamp (and trusting us!!) with your kids! This is gonna be the best summer yet!
As always, thank you so much for taking the time to read the blog! I love all of you, and I’ll be praying for each of you to have a safe and encouraging week!
Much Love,
Bri <3