Hello again, friends! I’m so excited for this week’s blog, I’ve got a lot of updates and cool information to share with you. 🙂
First, I wanted to take some time to remind you all about RCAMP!! Once again, it’s being hosted by Camp Hope for Kids, and it’s a really awesome opportunity for our 3rd-8th graders. If you have a Camp shaped hole in your heart this summer, this is for you! Click here for more details and to register, we would absolutely love to have you!

You can also click this link to watch a quick informational video! 🙂
As I’m writing this, we are gearing up for NORTH AMERICAN SWAMP TEEN CAMP!! Yes, you read that right! It’s finally here! We are all looking forward to seeing the amazing work that God is going to do in the hearts of teens all over the country. Stay tuned for next week’s blog, some of our teens will tell you ALL about it!
The start of NASTC also marks the 7th week of virtual camp. We have had counselors and campers from all over the globe- 27 to be exact! TWENTY!! SEVEN!! It’s been so encouraging to worship and fellowship with God’s people, it gives Praises Heard Around the World a whole new meaning!
It’s been such a blessing to be able to experience so many weeks of virtual camp, and I wanted to share what some of us as counselors have learned.
After speaking with several counselors, I think the general consensus is that while we are certainly missing in-person Camp, Virtual Camp has been incredibly valuable. I personally have learned so much about what it means to intentionally build connections, even with the limitations of only being able to see one another on a screen. I was definitely skeptical at first, but I have honestly been so blown away by how much this really feels like Camp. The free times, the challenges, and the bonding time with my campers has been so much fun, and so very needed during times like these.
Building these global, spiritual connections online has also taught us a lot about our relationship with God. We can’t necessarily see each other or hug each other, but we’re still here. In the same way, we can’t see God physically, but we know, without a shadow of a doubt, that he’s there. (I got that from Mr. Jeff. He’s a wonderful teacher and leader, and we’re all so grateful for him!)
This experience has certainly helped us get creative when it comes to getting closer to God and to one another. I really want to encourage you- if you haven’t had a chance to partake in this, please do! This has truly been a life changing experience for so many of us, and I think your souls will truly be refreshed.
There are still a few more weeks left! We’re still going strong, and we want you to be a part of it! Register right now by clicking this link! Registration for Week 9 has been extended to Wednesday at midnight!!!!
That’s all from me this week, my friends! Thanks so much as always for taking the time to read the blog. I’ll be praying for you to have a safe and encouraging week!
Much Love,
Bri <3