We have all experienced the beauty and majesty of the natural world and recognize the power of time spent outside. When we see the night sky full of stars, without light pollution dimming the grandeur of the heavens, when we watch fireflies dance on a summer evening, and when we see the sun rise in the morning, we are witnessing the majesty of God’s creation. When we can spend time outside, hearing the songs of the birds, the frogs, the crickets, and the cicadas, we become aware that all creation worships God day and night. When we feel a cooling breeze on a hot day or cool drops of rain on our skin during a summer rainstorm, we are reminded of God’s abundant provision for His creation and His people.
Camp Swamp wants the next generation to see God through the natural world, to marvel at what He has done, and to be curious to know their Creator. We spend one evening each week looking at the stars and talking about God’s immense universe and amazing power and creativity. “For God’s invisible attributes, that is His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what He has made.” (Romans 1:20)
Pray for clear night skies this summer for our stargazing and for the beauty and splendor of God’s world to create wonder in our campers, counselors, and volunteers.
Summer camp will begin in just a little over a week when we kick off the summer on May 29 with Family Camp! It’s not too late to register for Family Camp or summer camp! We often get questions about camp like “Do I have to have kids to come to family camp?” or “Can I bring a friend to summer camp with me?” so here are answers to these questions and a couple more.
Do I have to have kids to come to family camp? Not at all. If you are married with kids, or married with no kids, a single parent with kids, or even a grandparent(s) with grandkids, you are more than welcome to join us for family camp! We’ve even had just dad and one of his daughters come to family camp when mom and the other siblings have had conflicting schedules. If you want to experience what happens at family camp, but the rest of your family can’t attend, we’ve had people participate and be a part of other families for the week! So join us, we’d love to see you during Family Camp!
Can I bring a friend to camp? Of course you can! We would actually love to have you bring a friend! It’s a great way to share your camp experience with others and for first time campers, it may even help the camper feel more at ease and more excited about experiencing camp with a friend. This summer, we actually have a group of 7 friends (they attend the same middle school in the Woodstock, GA area) that will be going to camp all together during week 4. We’ve heard that they are all looking forward to their week at camp together! And afterwards, we can’t wait to hear all about their time together at Camp Swamp too!
Is it too late to sign up for Summer Camp? Honestly, it’s never too late to sign up for summer camp. Unless the camp is FULL, you can sign up your child up to the very day camp starts (though you’d probably want to give yourself a little more time to prepare your child for camp). We understand how busy your schedules can get and we want your kids to be able to experience camp.
What if my child is an introvert, is camp for them? Though Camp Swamp has a number of activities to keep campers busy, there are a variety of free time activities that are included in the camper’s daily schedule that make space for all types of people and personalities. Did you know that cabin time is a daily camp activity? We know that when campers and counselors are too tired, it’s hard to fully enjoy all the fun activities. So, not only do we have free time which allows campers to enjoy smaller groups and even individualized activities such as making friendship bracelets, arts and crafts, or even just sitting on the steps of the dining hall porch, we also have cabin time too! So there is always space for you or your child!
These are just a few answers to some questions that have recently come to our attention. We welcome your questions and want to make sure that there’s nothing that stops you from coming and enjoying camp or sharing with others about Camp! If you ask a question on our form below and if we haven’t already answered them on our website’s FAQs pages, we’ll do our best to answer them and share the answer with you and our Swamp community asap. Thank you!!!

Check out this episode of The Well podcasts where you’ll hear Camp Swamp mentioned in this discussion of The Power of a Seed by Angelica Yim (a Camp Swamp counselor alumni and long time camp volunteer) with hosts Enid Tchir and LaToya Massey.
So far we have raised $3,500 for our Matching May Campaign.
Thank you so much to those who have already supported us with their generous donations! Click below to help us reach our goal of $25,000!
A friendly reminder that Family Camp, Summer Camp weeks 1-6 and Adult Camp registrations are still OPEN!!! And whether you and your family are available to come to camp or not, we’d love for you to invite new friends and family to join us this summer! We can’t wait to see you!
Family Camp: May 29 – June 1
Week 1: June 2 – 8
Week 2: June 9-15
Week 3: June 16-22
Week 4: June 23-29
Week 5: June 30 – July 6
Week 6: July 7- July 13
Adult Camp: July 25 – 28
Rachele Gibson, along with her husband Steve Gibson, are Camp Directors at Camp Swamp.

Mother-Son 3/22-3/24
Family Camp 5/29-6/1
Summer Camp Week 1-6
Adult Camp 7/25-7/28
Mother-Daughter 8/23-8/25
Check out volunteer opportunities during any one of these events by clicking HERE.